Daily Archives: December 9, 2015

Why “Mismatch” is Relevant in Fisher v. Texas

Richard Sander writes: Affirmative action is before the Supreme Court again this week, as it rehears arguments in Fisher v. University of Texas. (I’ve discussed the legal issues in Fisher here.) But perhaps the most important question about racial preferences … Continue reading

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VDARE: French Jewish Leaders Condemn Le Pen, The Only Leader Likely To Protect Them From Muslims

From VDARE: To nobody’s surprise, and confirming the Open-Borders fix is in among Europe’s elites, France’s ruling Socialists and the potty-trained opposition led by former president Nicolas Sarkozy, now re-named (revealingly, to Americans?) The Republicans, joined forces to urge a … Continue reading

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The Polls May Be Underestimating Trump’s Support

Henry Olsen writes for The Atlantic: Donald Trump’s persistent lead in the GOP presidential-preference polls has been a great source of confusion for the chattering classes. But Trump is actually just the latest manifestation of a more global trend: Data … Continue reading

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For Good and Ill, Donald Trump Has Brought Discussion of Political Impossibilities into the Open

He’s channeling Steve Sailer. David French writes for the National Review: Here is a term you need to know — the “Overton Window.” Developed by the late Joseph Overton, a former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, … Continue reading

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Did Trump Just Win?

James Taranto writes: Vox’s headline announces the results for Republicans, 76% of whom agree. But the view is shared by a majority of all respondents (56%) and independents (57%) and a substantial minority of Democrats (43%). Blacks and Hispanics are … Continue reading

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