Monthly Archives: December 2015

If Muslims set off a nuclear bomb in in America, then what?

Rael Levinsohn world war 3 David Tainsh World War III is in the way and has been for a while. These things are planned way a head by the elite. Bill Siemers Asking “for a friend”? Scott Edwards Total war. … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Understands The Fear Of Terrorism Better Than Barack Obama

John* says: “See these two articles. Adams’ post explains how Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims resonates with Latinos, and Mercer explains the reason that Obama’s cost analysis of living with terrorism while working to defeat it using the strategy as … Continue reading

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Bret Easton Ellis on James Deen Rape Claims: “A Ridiculous Witch Hunt”

The Hollywood Reporter: What do you make of the allegations of rape and abuse being leveled against James Deen? This whole thing is a ridiculous witch hunt. Most of the people in James’ close circle know that this is a … Continue reading

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What Mr. Trump knows is a mystery to the U.S. bipartisan elite

Michael Scheuer writes: The current clouds of hot and noxious gas being huffed and puffed about by the U.S. governing elite, media, academy, and the immigrant-worshiping Christian churches regarding Donald Trump’s suggestion that the national government temporarily ban the entry … Continue reading

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William S. Lind writes: Donald Trump apparently was misquoted when he reportedly called for registering all Moslems in the U.S., but the idea is a good one. We are going to have to do it eventually, so we might as … Continue reading

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