Monthly Archives: December 2015

Obama Plays The Race Card

Alexander Hart writes: In an interview this morning with NPR, President Obama psychologized his white-working class antagonists: …[W]hen you combine that demographic change with all the economic stresses that people have been going through because of the financial crisis, because … Continue reading

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GOP: A Neo-Fascist White-Identity Party?

Michael Tomasky writes: The Republican Party of Trump is becoming a white-identity party, like the far-right parties of Europe. Yes, it includes token members of other races, which accounts for Ben Carson, who’s just a political idiot, whatever his skills … Continue reading

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The Case For Immigration Insurance

Steve Sailer writes: In the United States today, however, there are lots of ways to make money off immigration by privatizing profits and socializing costs, but very few ways to make money pointing out how immigration is hurting the general … Continue reading

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Bennet Omalu: Don’t let kids play football

By Bennet Omalu We’ve known since 1964 that cigarette smoking is harmful to your health. We’ve known for more than 40 years that alcohol damages the developing brain of a child. We’ve known since the mid-1970s that asbestos causes cancer … Continue reading

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‘Making a Murderer’: Netflix Outshines ‘The Jinx’ With Stunning True-Crime Saga

From Daily Beast: Miscarriages of justice don’t come much more outrageous than the case of Steven Avery, a resident of Wisconsin’s rural Manitowoc County, who in 1985, at the age of 22 was arrested, tried, and convicted of raping Penny … Continue reading

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