Monthly Archives: December 2015

Real estate company advertises housing project free of non-Ashkenazi Jews

The average Ashkenazi IQ is somewhere between 105-120, the average Sephardic IQ is about 97, and the average Mizrahi IQ is 92. REPORT: The real estate company Bemnuna, which caters to the national-religious community, caused a backlash on Monday when … Continue reading

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Sailer in Taki’s: “Turf Wars: The Problem and the Promise”

Steve Sailer writes in Takimag: That human beings are somewhat territorial animals is a concept that has gone out of intellectual fashion, but it offers useful insights into much of what is in the news. … A common pattern in … Continue reading

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Acid Attacks On The Rise, Majority Of Victims Are White Men

The price of diversity. REPORT: Fewer than half of acid attack victims pursue criminal charges against their attackers, researchers have found. The study, also revealed that, contrary to the common perception of acid attacks, the majority of victims were white … Continue reading

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REPORT: New York Jewish Bookstore Manager Beaten by Self-Declared Muslim Yelling ‘F*** You Jews’

I hope people don’t draw conclusions from (another) isolated incident. Muslims love Jews! More Muslims please! REPORT: The manager of a Jewish bookstore on the Upper West Side of Manhattan was beaten up Monday afternoon by a self-declared Muslim man … Continue reading

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Daily Mail: The shocking moment a man tries to strangle an Orthodox Jew outside a Melbourne synagogue and screams ‘swear to Allah’ in his face – but HE is slammed to the ground by his much bigger target

REPORT: Man, 39, assaulted a group of Jewish men outside Melbourne synagogue He was filmed shouting ‘Go back to Israel’ and ‘swear to Allah’ on Thursday Man then tried to strangle one of the Rabbis from Adass Israel Synagogue He … Continue reading

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