Monthly Archives: December 2015

Obama Spied on U.S. Congressmen Plotting with Bibi

Steve Sailer writes: There’s a still untold story about how Israel’s rise to sigint superpower, both on the military side and on the commercial side (Israeli firms writes a lot of the phone call billing software in the world, which … Continue reading

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Native lawyer takes on tribes that kick members out

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Germans and Australians and Americans had the same self-respect as these tribes? Seattle Times: Every tribe has different and often complicated enrollment rules. In the Nooksack case, there isn’t agreement on what the rules are, … Continue reading

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American Spying On Israel

Comments: * NSA is spying on Congressmen. My guess is, this explains the extremely deferential and minimal oversight Congress gives them–everyone knows that they’ve got the dirt on everyone, and so nobody wants to ask too many hard questions that … Continue reading

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Report: 20 Groups Sabotaging Israel ‘From Within’

I wish someone would compile a list of NGOs operating within the United States who are hostile to America. From the Jewish Press: A report issued Sunday by the Zionist group Im Tirtzu highlights the activity of what it calls … Continue reading

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Hillary seems to be hiding a major health issue

Scott “Dilbert” Adams writes: Trump is playing a different game. He is not addressing your sense of reason. He is talking to your energy, your emotions, and even your biases. By that filter (the Master Persuader filter), Iowa might be … Continue reading

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