Daily Archives: November 27, 2015

Two Key Videos On The Immigration Invasion

From VDARE: In the first hour of his show on Wednesday (November 25, 2015), Rush Limbaugh had some fun prepping his listeners to endure being harangued about political issues by any leftist relatives with whom they’ll be sharing a dinner … Continue reading

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The USA As A Communal Apartment

Anatoly Karlin writes: One of the most memorably vivid characterizations of the USSR was as a communal apartment, in which every ethnicity had its own room. Except the majority Russians, who had to make do with the foyer while paying … Continue reading

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France Starts Shutting Down Alternative Media

From TrueActivist.com: Every time there’s a huge terrorist threat, the public gives up their freedoms for protection from the Government. And every time, our leaders use these new laws to destroy civil liberties. What happened to ordinary French people (and … Continue reading

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Massive PR push underway to change American minds on Syrian Muslim resettlement to US

From Refugee Resettlement Watch: You already know this is happening because you’ve probably seen the media campaign where you live. Pro-Syrian Muslim groups and the federal resettlement contractors*** are putting in motion a campaign like no other especially since they … Continue reading

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