Daily Archives: November 25, 2015

From My Twitter Feed

From twitter.com/lukeford (a combination of my tweets and retweets): * * Gresham’s Law of People: if two groups of people are placed in the same place, the more violent drive the less violent out of circulation. (Mangan) * Just wait … Continue reading

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Mutually Antagonistic Governments Everywhere

Steve Sailer writes: The combination of Third World backwardness—such as lack of education for girls—and Western medicine generates huge surplus populations, who naturally clash over power and resources, with the losers increasingly trying to flood into the advanced West. The … Continue reading

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‘In the Middle East, multicultural means segregation.’

Report: Israel to establish first new Druze town. Community leaders praise decision to establish 10,000-population Galilee town, but say government must do more. Perhaps segregation would be a good model for America? Perhaps the antebellum South knew what it was … Continue reading

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Racial and ethnic differences in psychopathic personality

By Richard Lynn in 2012: Abstract: This paper proposes that there are racial and ethnic differences in psychopathic personality conceptualised as a continuously distributed trait, such that high values of the trait are present in blacks and Native Americans, intermediate … Continue reading

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The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom by Jonathan Haidt

From page 27: Researchers have found that Americans of all ages, classes, and political affiliations react with a flash of negativity to black faces or to other images and words associated with African-American culture. According to a research paper: “Many … Continue reading

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