Daily Archives: November 22, 2015

Donald Trump Surging Since Paris Attacks

From Washington Post: It’s hard not to think that Trump’s hard line on everything has benefited him since the attacks in Paris. In the Post/ABC poll, white non-college graduates β€” one of the groups among which Trump does the best … Continue reading

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Nuremberg 2.0

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Is Islam The Problem?

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There Are Serious, Unbigoted Reasons to Be Wary of a Flood of Syrian Refugees

Ian Tuttle writes for National Review Nov. 18, 2015: Among politicians and their clingers-on, journalists, nothing takes hold like a bad historical analogy. Thus as politicians β€” 29 governors chief among them β€” call for a halt to our Syrian-refugee-resettlement … Continue reading

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‘The President of America says we are afraid of orphan children, we should be!’


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