Monthly Archives: November 2015

ProPublica: How N.Y.’s Biggest For-Profit Nursing Home Group Flourishes Despite a Record of Patient Harm

It seems every time I check the news, some Jew in the nursing home business is getting attacked by government regulators and/or the media. Why won’t the goyim leave us alone? Chaim Amalek: “When my time comes I hope I … Continue reading

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IDF warns soldiers: Beware of CIA recruitment

I guess turnabout is fair play. Different groups, different nations, have different interests. Israel spies on America, America spies on Israel. I still can’t stop hating what Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard did to America (stole its nuclear secrets, gave them … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Coalition of the Fringes at Work

Steve Sailer writes: Here’s a funny clip from MSNBC: the professional Hispanic named Alfonso praises Paul Ryan for being pals with arch-immigration advocate Luis Gutierrez and for being a “hard worker.” Professional (sort of) black lady Melissa Harris-Perry reads him … Continue reading

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You Have To Admire The Forthright Way Blacks, Muslims Pursue Their Group Interest

Chaim Amalek: “I really love these guys. Honest, and focused on advancing their group interests no matter what the idiot white goyim think.” REPORT: Australia: Muslims complain that singing anthem is “forced assimilation” “Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir decries ‘forced Muslim … Continue reading

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As the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump took off, white nationalists across the country rallied to his message

Here’s a classic guilt by non-association smear. How come Democrats never get smeared by the media for their support from communists and black nationalists and Muslims? From the SPLC: You can’t blame a politician for the politics of their every … Continue reading

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