Monthly Archives: November 2015

NYT References The Dark Enlightenment

Ross Douthat, the best NYT columnist in my view, he presents HBD (Human Bio-Diversity), WN (White Nationalism) and DE (Dark Enlightenment) themes for the mainstream, writes about the new novel Submission: “I sort of knew this going in but even … Continue reading

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The Ethnic Theory Of Plane Crashes

Steve Sailer writes for VDARE in 2008: I spent a few hours poking around on the Internet and found, which lists every “fatal event” involving a scheduled airliner. According to the rigorous definition they employ, there were 45 fatal … Continue reading

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Trashing Trump: Latino Kids Pound Racism Like a Piñata

Published on Nov 3, 2015: Look out Trump! Latino kids born in the USA have got something to say as they hilariously let loose on Trump pounding his anti-Latino racism point-by-point like a piñata. Some will find what they say … Continue reading

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An HBD Approach To The Islamic Invasion Of Eupre

From the fantastic blog (Those Who Can See) of an ex-pat American living in France: From the Pope to the E.U. to the U.N., the narrative has taken shape: ‘Millions of refugees fleeing war-torn regions are flooding into Europe, and … Continue reading

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The Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project Read more: The Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project

Here are transcripts of the speeches at this 2013 conference at Ben Gurion University in Israel. Dr. Sharon Pardo, Director Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society, gave welcoming remarks: Last year when we discussed Europe Day, we … Continue reading

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