Monthly Archives: November 2015

Who’s Burning Black Churches? Black Suspects

Michelle Malkin writes: Earlier: Fanning the Flames of Another Black Church Arson Hoax Here we go again: another liberal narrative burned to a crisp. Over a two-week period in October, an arsonist targeted seven churches in the St. Louis area … Continue reading

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The nature of women’s rape fantasies: an analysis of prevalence, frequency, and contents

I think many women love being excused from accountability. If they are forced into sex, they’re not responsible. A female friend told me about the many times she got naked with a guy and ended up, surprisingly, being raped. Abstract: … Continue reading

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WP: Maryland family faces harsh criticism after adopted daughter is featured in ‘American Girl’ magazine

Washington Post: Rob and Reece Scheer of Darnestown, two white gay men, adopted Amaya and three boys — all of whom are African American and had been in foster care — several years ago and were recently featured in a … Continue reading

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The First School Named After Barack Obama Surprisingly Struggles

Washington Post: To Samantha, the answer was obvious: race. She remembers looking around her neighborhood that year and realizing suddenly how race explained so many of the divisions in her life. On her street, she noticed for the first time … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘Four years of bankruptcy and three decades of a drug epidemic have left San Bernardino a ghost of its former industrial spirit. But not all of its residents have given up.’

LAT: “Our backyard evolved over something horrible, and that’s what I think is going to happen to this city.” Comments at LAT: * There’s nothing much wrong with these cities. The problem is the people. People are the problem. Not … Continue reading

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