Monthly Archives: November 2015

Steve Sailer: UVA Frat Sues “Rolling Stone” for $25 Million Over Haven Monahan Catfish Hoax

Steve Sailer writes: You can always tell whether the fix is in — are the media trying to CYA on this by making it sound as technical and tedious as possible — by whether or not they mention the two … Continue reading

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The Many Loves Of Matisyahu

From Wikipedia: Matisyahu met NYU film student Talia when she interviewed him for a documentary about men and women not touching. They were set up by Rabbi Dov Yonah Korn, NYU’s Chabad chaplain,[41] and they married in August 2004.[42] Together … Continue reading

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Diversity Has Jumped The Shark

Ann Coulter wrote in 2009: It cannot be said often enough that the chief of staff of the United States Army, Gen. George Casey, responded to a massacre of 13 Americans in which the suspect is a Muslim by saying: … Continue reading

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Movements That Can Save Us

Brett Stevens writes: “The Red Pill focuses on honest talk about the differences between sexes; Neoreactionaries point out the failure of Crowdist (individualists in groups) leadership; the New Right shows how dysgenics, consumerism and multiculturalism are destroying us; the Alternative … Continue reading

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Nastiness threatens online reader comments

News media hate losing control of the narrative. They prefer to lecture us on what is acceptable to say. Yahoo: Research this year by University of Houston professor Arthur Santana found anonymous comments on online news sites can often bring … Continue reading

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