Monthly Archives: November 2015

SMH: Australia lectured on human rights abuses by a rogues’ gallery of abusers

From the Sydney Morning Herald: Geneva: Oh, the irony. Oh, the hypocrisy. To be lectured by North Korea, Iran and China on our human rights abuses. Honestly? For precisely one minute and five seconds each, over a couple of hours, … Continue reading

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The Battle Against Free Speech In Australia

From the Sydney Morning Herald 2014: Fredrick Toben always insisted he wasn’t a Holocaust denier because you couldn’t deny something that never happened. The German-born Australian says there was never any systematic German program to kill Jewish people, denies the … Continue reading

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Ben Carson Supports Statehood For Puerto Rico

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I could ignore or write off Ben Carson’s other mistakes but being pro-Puerto Rican statehood is really bad. He’s still better than ¡Yeb!….but what a sap. He does not realize that statehood automatically gives the … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Germany, North Korea, Sweden, Turkey, and Russia Attack Australia’s Boats in the Water Defenses

From the Sydney Morning Herald: UN human rights review: Countries line up to criticise Australia for its treatment of asylum seekers November 10, 2015 – 7:36AM Nick Miller Europe Correspondent Geneva: Australia has copped a barrage of criticism at a … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Missouri to Get University Worthy of Its 6th-place Football Team

Steve Sailer writes: One of the older American collegiate jokes is a college president promising to build a university worthy of its football team (this may go back to the U. of Maryland in the early 1950s). With the U. … Continue reading

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