Monthly Archives: November 2015

The immigration system Marco Rubio wanted

Byron York writes: The 2013 Gang of Eight comprehensive immigration reform bill is the signature achievement of Marco Rubio’s four years and ten months in the U.S. Senate. Yet in the first four Republican presidential debates, in which Rubio has … Continue reading

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College & Mental Health

Steve Sailer writes: Something I’ve noticed over the decades is that depression and other non-psychotic mental troubles are fairly common among college students. And a lot of the hate hoaxes seem to have roots in emotional difficulties that are tied … Continue reading

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Honor, Dignity, and Victimhood: A Tour Through Three Centuries of American Political Culture

Link: Campbell and Manning hint at a more important factor when they highlight the growing power of university administration and the weakening of social ties among students. Here the college campus is a microcosm of social changes happening at every … Continue reading

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GOP Candidates Battle Over Who Is Immigration Restrictioniest

Steve Sailer writes: It’s sad that Rubio isn’t smarter, richer, and more independent-minded. As the Likable Latino, he would have been ideal to lead the charge toward immigration sanity. But instead in 2013 he signed up to lead what the … Continue reading

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More immigration and more social justice, please.

I don’t see anything bizarre here. These activists are pursuing their group interests, which clash with Jewish and white interests. From Tabletmag: Today is the day of the Million Student March, a grassroots initiative by young activists that will call … Continue reading

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