Monthly Archives: November 2015

You can thank @HIASrefugees for removing terrorist background checks

HIAS = Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. It is a Jewish activist group in the USA that constantly pushes for more immigration (irrespective of human capital) and fewer background checks on immigrants to keep out potential terrorists. Source. From January 7, … Continue reading

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Trump Rally in Beaumont, Texas: Pounding Home the Anti-Immigration Theme

REPORT: My family drove over from Houston to attend a Trump rally in Beaumont, Texas on Saturday, his first after the Paris shootings. I’ve never seen him push the envelope like he did. First, he made a comment about the … Continue reading

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Dirk Nowitzki’s ex-girlfriend / former fiance / inmate Cristal Ann Taylor

I was watching the 2014 Netflix movie on Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks and I noticed a black woman ran a con on him in 2009, living with him for about a year under a false name. REPORT FROM … Continue reading

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The Meaning Of The Paris Attacks

It’s silly to talk about Islamo-fascism and radical Islam. ISIS is Islam. Liberal easy-going Islam is not Islam. Islam is about conquering the world, by the sword if necessary. From Scott Atran: Anthropologist, Directeur de recherche, Centre National de … Continue reading

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Settler rabbi: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust

Whenever rabbis say that horrific events happened because of X, Y, Z sins, they look stupid, they make Judaism look stupid, and they make Jews look horrible. Diaspora rabbis are less likely to say such things because they live as … Continue reading

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