Monthly Archives: November 2015

Jewish Elite Solution To ISIS: Invade Middle East, Restrict Free Speech

Rabbi Abraham Cooper writes: Someone’s boots—perhaps NATO’s— will have to get on the ground so that the ISIS snake can be beheaded, not innocent Christians, Muslims, and Yazidis. Large-scale ISIS casualties and destruction of their training bases will destroy their … Continue reading

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Jewish Actor Seth Rogen Takes on Macklemore for ‘Anti-Semitic’ Costume

REPORT: Comedic actor Seth Rogen on Sunday derided rapper Macklemore after the Same Love singer donned a costume during a performance that some criticized as “anti-Semitic.” “@Macklemore, first you trick people into thinking you’re a rapper, now you trick them … Continue reading

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France’s Muslim Problem

From the NYRB: France has one of the largest Muslim minorities in Europe. French Muslims are also predominantly a social underclass, a legacy of France’s colonial past and indifference to its aftermath. For example, although just 7 to 8 percent … Continue reading

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Le Pen Frightens Jews as FN Regional Elections Victory Looks Certain

From the Jewish Press: French Jews are not particularly ecstatic about the prospect of an FN win. Newsweek interviewed Jews in Paris’ Le Marais district, the historic Jewish “Pletzle,” and several expressed concerns at Le Pen’s momentum. Marine Le Pen’s … Continue reading

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The Jewish Imperative To Help Syrian Refugees

Hugo Schwyzer writes on FB: In 1938, my Jewish grandparents fled Austria for England with my young father and his sister. The rest of the family perished in the Holoicaust. When war broke out in 1939 my grandfather was briefly … Continue reading

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