Monthly Archives: November 2015

You will never guess how the U.S. is ‘vetting’ Syrian refugees

From American Thinker: Both Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio have called for the US to accept more Syrian refugees, as long as they are properly "vetted", of course. But what does it mean to "vet" a refugee? Normally, if someone wants … Continue reading

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The ADL’s War On The Goyim

From the ADL’s latest tweets: * In the face of crisis, we must remember- #WeWereOnceStrangers and resist temptation to stigmatize * To close our doors signals to the terrorists that they are winning the battle. Governors, we urge you to … Continue reading

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SPLC: Time to finally end mandatory sentencing minimums

The Southern Poverty Law Center hates white America and they wage war on the decent while protecting criminals. Here are some of their recent tweets: * Governor Robert Bentley has made it clear: Alabama is open for business, but is … Continue reading

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Terror is just a tactic

It’s a tactic Jews used to create the modern state of Israel. Some terrorists are enemies of the West and some terrorists are not. Islam has shown itself to be an implacable enemy of the West for more than 1300 … Continue reading

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RamzPaul: Israel is right next to Syria and they are taking 0 refugees? That make you deeply disappointed?

ADL News tweets: Deeply disappointing: In wake of #ParisAttacks, some U.S. governors have announced their states will refuse relocation of refugees. HIAS Statement on Paris and Beirut Attacks NOV 16, 2015BLOG POST WASHINGTON—Mark Hetfield, president and CEO of HIAS, the … Continue reading

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