Monthly Archives: November 2015

Ann Coulter: No “Frenchmen” Or “Belgians” Committed Paris Attacks–Only Muslim Arabs

Ann Coulter writes: Give me a break, New York Times. The Paris terrorists were 100 percent Middle Eastern, although most were born in Muslim ghettos in Europe. After 50 years of the most backward, dysfunctional cultures pouring into the civilized … Continue reading

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How Nearly Seventy Have Been Arrested in America over ISIS Plots in Last 18 Months

Ben Ashford, Daily Mail, November 18, 2015: US authorities have charged at least 66 men and women with ISIS-related terror plots on American soil–including a handful of refugees, Daily Mail Online can reveal. The terror group has set its sights … Continue reading

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Eighth-Graders Allegedly Stab Woman to Death at Car Wash, Prop Her Body Up for a Joyride

Nicole Bitette, NY Daily News, November 13, 2015: Two Missouri teenagers fatally stabbed a woman while she was vacuuming her car and then went on a gruesome joyride with her dead body propped up in the front seat, according to … Continue reading

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How To Save Europe

Steve Sailer writes: Europeans need to adapt their legal system to the nonindividualistic culture of Muslims. For example, the threat of a jail term might not deter a Muslim terrorist who expects to flee back to Syria and/or collect his … Continue reading

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Somalis in America: A Horror Story of Crime, Violence, and Now Terrorism

REPORT FROM 2013: The decision taken in the early 1990s by the US’s former president, Bill Clinton, to import tens of thousands of backward Somalis into the American heartland of Minnesota has turned into an entirely predictable tale of crime, … Continue reading

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