Monthly Archives: November 2015

Life After Leaving Israel’s Ultra Orthodox Jewish Communities

VICE: Growing up as one of 12 siblings in the remote ultra-Orthodox Jewish community of Tifrach in Israel, Bar Mayer never touched a boy, went to the movies, or revealed the skin below her collarbones. When she was 17 years … Continue reading

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Children Violated In Hancock Park?

This email is going around the Orthodox community of Los Angeles: In addition to the letter below from the RCC, a local menahel has brought to my attention that a State Department source has credible information that there have been … Continue reading

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Ethnic Conflicts: Their Biological Roots In Ethnic Nepotism

The late Tatu Vanhanen wrote in 2012: The history of genocides implies that all nations have been more or less equally capable of carrying out genocides and ethnic cleansings in appropriate circumstances. Kiernan notes that the phenomenon transcends political labels: … Continue reading

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How About Diversity For Saudi Arabia?

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Terrorism Quotient

Jayman writes: The bulk of “terrorism” comes from one broad group of people: Muslims…. The idea is that there is a suite of behavioral traits that is more prevalent in many Muslim populations which makes them more likely to perpetrate … Continue reading

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