Monthly Archives: November 2015

Black Guy Guns Down Two White Women

Comments: Today two white women were gunned down in Jackson, MS. The news reports it as a random shooting. But what are the odds that a black shooter only shoots two people, both of whom were white, in an area … Continue reading

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Elites Doubling Down On Muslim Immigration

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It is also strange that liberals are doubling and tripling down on muslim immigration while pushing the ideas you just reported. They brag about their smarts, but somehow can’t see how incongruous their positions are. … Continue reading

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The Push For Non-Monogamy

Comments: Have you noticed the recent push for non-monogamy lately? Link Link Link This strikes me as one of these ridiculous liberal ideas that is going to break up a few marriages in the upper middle class, where people generally … Continue reading

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Librarian Of Hate

Some hate facts on this guy’s Twitter: * Arab Christians have lower rates of inbreeding than Arab Muslims. * Blacks and Hispanics have less ability to delay gratification than Whites. * 46% of male homosexuals report being molested, as compared … Continue reading

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