Monthly Archives: November 2015

Israel Studies Professor Hounded by Anti-Israel Texas U Activists, Forced to Wear Disguise on Campus

News: Chanting “Long live the Intifada,” University of Texas at Austin activists recently stormed a class to protest and disrupt a talk by a guest lecturer. Waving Palestinian flags and shouting anti-Israel epithets, twelve members of the Palestine Solidarity Committee … Continue reading

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France: A Society Ripe for Submission

Quadrant: His imagining of an Islamic France is no simple provocation. Rather, this deep, gripping and haunting novel is a recent high-point for European fiction. No current writer gets anywhere near Houellebecq’s achievement in finding a fictional way into the … Continue reading

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Douglas Murray: Of Two Minds About a Singular Peril

Many physical casualties are yet to come. But the next political casualties should be the entire political class who have refused for so long to face some very bitter truths of their own devising. After Paris, they can be no … Continue reading

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How are US citizens vulnerable to NSA/Israel espionage?

Comment: “The Jerusalem Post ran an article worrying that the NSA’s spying on American citizens at the direction and for the benefit of Israel endangers the privacy rights of American Jews living in Israel. The author goes on to predict … Continue reading

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Could Bowling Leagues and the PTA Breed Nazis?

Comments: Anytime the goyim are talking among themselves, grave danger is afoot. We must know every word that every one of them is saying, and everything that every one of them is doing, without restriction or limit. * Cass Sunstein … Continue reading

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