Daily Archives: October 30, 2015

Critiquing Charles Murray

Ron Unz? writes in 2012: Look, Murray has a long track-record, and that track-record shows him to be an incompetent and a shill. When you’re the most prominent public figure writing about extremely serious and controversial topics, this is a … Continue reading

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First They Came For The Janitors

From VDARE: First they came for the janitors. At one time janitors were unionized and made enough to support a family on one paycheck. But this cost the right people money. How dare a lowly janitor make so much money! … Continue reading

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Pure Nativism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “This discussion is veering into pure nativism.” Yes. Because that’s where the higher grade ore is found. Maybe it will never be needed. But when a society appears to navigate by the stars of a … Continue reading

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Pundits Who Changed Sides

I’m reading an interesting thread on Steve Sailer: * It seems as if English pundits change their views more than American pundits. My vague impression is that it’s a pretty standard move in British press circles for a columnist to … Continue reading

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The Great Weakness Of Republican Politicians

Comments to Steve Sailer: * One of the reasons I trust Trump on immigration is that he doesn’t mind hurting the feelings of Mexicans. Candidates like Rubio and Kasich who are so concerned with not offending minorities are going to … Continue reading

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