Daily Archives: October 29, 2015

A YouTube account is rewriting Disney tunes to be racist

From Fusion: There’s a song in the movie Mulan, “I’ll Make a Man Out of You.” You’ve probably heard it; it begins “Let’s get down to business! To defeat the Huns.” In the ultra-conservative parody version rewritten by Uncuck The … Continue reading

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The Brilliance Of Obama’s 2008 Race Speech

Charles Murray writes for NRO’s The Corner in 2008: “I read the various posts here on “The Corner,” mostly pretty ho-hum or critical about Obama’s speech. Then I figured I’d better read the text (I tried to find a video … Continue reading

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Towards An Honest Discussion About Race

Steve Sailer writes: I have found that, in the African-American oral tradition, if the words are enunciated eloquently enough, no one examines the meaning for definitive truth. —Biracial novelist Mat Johnson, Loving Day, 2015 America’s foremost public intellectual, Ta-Nehisi Coates, … Continue reading

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How The LA Times Plays Games With Race

David Cole Stein writes: I’ll give you a few genuine examples of how the media plays games with race, using my hometown paper of record, the L.A. Times (the paper with the fourth-largest circulation in the U.S.), as a case … Continue reading

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Black, Brown, and Beyond: Exploring Issues of Race and Color within our LA Community

Rav Yosef Kanefsky (the most left-wing Orthodox rabbi on the West Coast) emails his list: Dear friends, Race relations has been a particularly painful theme in our country’s narrative, and continues to be so right up to today. From Ferguson … Continue reading

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