Monthly Archives: October 2015

Another Jew Wants More Muslim Immigrants

Olivia Alperstein writes: This nation of immigrants should shelter more Syrian refugees. My great grandmother Rose was just 10 when she traveled to the United States with her family. They fled from Poland to England, took a boat to Canada, … Continue reading

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Rabbi’s White Privilege Rosh Hashanah Sermon

By Rabbi Jocee Hudson, Temple Israel of Hollywood: When I first saw the video of Sandra Bland’s arrest I started to cry. What if that were me? I was breathless, shaking, imagining the fear she must have felt, face slammed … Continue reading

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Sharon Brous Wants America & Israel To Take In More Muslim Refugees

Great idea to bring in people who hate us. From Rabbi Brous’s Rosh Hashanah sermon: What if we had demanded a repair to our crippled refugee and asylum system years ago? Instead, we allowed legitimate but vague security concerns to … Continue reading

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Americans Are Right to Worry about Illegal Aliens and Crime

Peter Kirsanow writes: Last week I mentioned the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights’ flawed report to the president and Congress on detention facilities for illegal aliens. Among other things, the report claims that Americans who are concerned about illegal aliens’ … Continue reading

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Forward: Jews Push Washington to Admit More Syrian Refugees, Even as Some Worry About Backlash

Jews don’t want Muslim immigrants, Jewish elites do. How many Jews and gentiles will be slaughtered by these Muslim migrants? Nathan Guttman writes: At the end of her Rosh Hashanah sermon, Rabbi Elyse Frishman turned to congregants and asked them … Continue reading

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