Monthly Archives: October 2015

The Secular Case For & Against Circumcision

As an Orthodox Jew, I take circumcision for Jews for granted and I have a kneejerk assumption that everything we Orthodox Jews do is good for everyone. What’s good for the Jews is good for the goyim right? From the … Continue reading

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Have You Ever Met A Hot Feminist?

From the Chateau: Steve Sailer has pithily remarked that the goal of feminist writers is to rearrange the world so that, come the revolution, ugly feminists will be desired by men. I have a corollary to that theory. Feminists loathe … Continue reading

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Facebook Is SMV Time Compression Info

Rollo writes: Thank you Mark Zuckerberg for creating the single greatest time-comparative engine men have ever known. I’m not a big fan of Face Book from a male standpoint, but if it has any redeeming aspect it’s that it provably … Continue reading

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Why Do Wives Nag?

From the Chateau: …wives nag because their husbands have turned beta. Less succinctly, their husbands have become weak, enfeebled, grasping, defensive, sycophantic, solicitous “yes dear” yes-men. Strong men — alphas, you bet — almost never elicit the nagging response from … Continue reading

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Analyzing Penelope Trunk

From the Chateau: Penelope Trunk. For some reason, she gives fellow aspie and open borders ivory tower bubbleboys chubbies, who can’t stop linking to her blog, (comments by “Dave” and “Anotherphil” are illuminating). But Chateau Heartiste called this broad out … Continue reading

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