Monthly Archives: October 2015

An Alpha & His Women

Source Chateau: The problem is compounded for married women, who presumably have been out of the dating scene for years. A woman sheltered in the confines of marital piss has lost touch with distant memories of the alpha males who … Continue reading

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Is Female Careerism A Form Of Infidelity?

Reader Sidewinder writes to the Chateau: While some degree of the female fascination/obsession with credentials can be explained as projecting onto themselves what they find desirable in men, I think there’s more to it than that. Not all, but a … Continue reading

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Even Nerds Can Be Alpha

From the Chateau: If you are alpha enough in your demeanor and mannerisms, you can overcome the handicap of association with a nerdy hobby. Watch the vid closely. This guy — a Zerg champion apparently — emanates an alpha aura. … Continue reading

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Diversity + Proximity = War

From the Chateau: People like to form into competing groups. This natural impulse is encoded in every human being’s DNA. It is a deeply embedded encoding, and can’t be excised. It can only be controlled by authoritarian measures, i.e. ultimately … Continue reading

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DSK & False Rape Allegations

From the Chateau: The rape case against DSK is falling apart because the accuser’s story isn’t adding up. She’s inconsistent and contradicting herself, according to prosecutors who are now debating whether to go forward with the charge. Back in May, … Continue reading

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