Monthly Archives: October 2015

Forward: French Jews Need To Stand Up for Muslims Right Now

I don’t sense any enthusiasm among normal Jews (as opposed to activists) for Muslim immigration. Robert Zaretsky writes: nce discovered recently that Marine Le Pen, leader of the extreme right-wing Front National, has a kindred spirit. Her name is Nadine … Continue reading

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What Men Want

I have soft skin In my bubble bath I bedabble myself I’m cracking up about it My goldfish fish In my bubble bath I’m wrapping him up I tell him: I don’t have a problem I’m just being lazy I’m … Continue reading

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Where does Obama get his lovely sense of rhythm?

Washington Post: 11 times world leaders danced awkwardly For a world leader, Obama seems pretty comfortable dancing: In 2007, before he was even president, he danced on the Ellen Degeneres Show. This is probably down to the fact he’s actually … Continue reading

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Let’s Import More Muslims, What Could Go Wrong?

Steve Sailer writes: “NYT op-ed columnist Roger Cohen argues for importing vast numbers of anti-Semites into Europe as payback for Christendom’s past anti-Semitism.” Comments: * How dare Hungary appoint itself the arbiter of its own policies, that job rightfully belongs … Continue reading

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The Progression Of Elite-Citizenry Relations

From the Chateau: The progression of elite-citizenry relations goes like this (using the history of America as a template): Colonialism, mass egalitarianism. The rise of an informal aristocracy of the more intelligent, ruthless, individualistic. Elite gratitude for their blessings translates … Continue reading

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