Monthly Archives: October 2015

The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine Crisis

From June 2015: “John J. Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor in Political Science and Co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago, assesses the causes of the present Ukraine crisis, the best … Continue reading

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158 Families Fund The 2016 Race, How Many Are Jewish?

Searching the comments on this story at I notice zero mentions of “Jew.” I guess such comments are deleted immediately. Talking about politics in America without mentioning Jews is like talking about football without mentioning the quarterback. Jews are … Continue reading

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* I couldn’t wait to see my friend this morning to tell him how I took Inglewood Blvd south to Jefferson east to get to the party last night in Culver City in just 25 minutes (7 miles). * One … Continue reading

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Why Do Politicians Have Affairs?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Politicians are eerily similar to actors and actresses in that they crave mass adulation. And they are seldom content with what they already have. I am not original in stating that politicians (rather like actors, … Continue reading

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Why can’t we talk about IQ?

Jason Richwine writes for Politico: “IQ is a metric of such dubiousness that almost no serious educational researcher uses it anymore,” the Guardian’s Ana Marie Cox wrote back in May. It was a breathtakingly ignorant statement. Psychologist Jelte Wicherts noted … Continue reading

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