Monthly Archives: October 2015

Black Lives Matter

From the Chateau: Black Lives Matter is the name of a political/social bowel movement pushed out into the toilet bowl formerly known as America by a diarrhetic alliance of Talented Tenth high yellas and pathologically ethnomasochistic and xenophilic white equalist … Continue reading

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Who Wants In-Bred Muslim Migrants?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * With the increasing levels of automation in manufacturing (or for that matter services) it makes no sense to worry about fake labor shortages. The Japanese apparently aren’t doing so except to the extent that they … Continue reading

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NR: What the Conservative Grassroots Get Right on Immigration — and What the GOP Establishment Gets Wrong

From National Review: David Brooks has just written a stinging denunciation of the Republican party. Though he reserves his harshest criticism for self-described Republican radicals, his larger argument is that the party as a whole has “abandoned traditional conservatism for … Continue reading

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WP: The secret surveillance of ‘suspicious’ blacks in one of the nation’s poshest neighborhoods

Washington Post: These are questions being asked across the country as people experiment with services that bill themselves as a way to prevent crime, but also expose latent biases. The application “SketchFactor,” which invited users to report “sketchy” people, faced … Continue reading

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Top Twenty NFL Quarterbacks

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The one thing that most impresses me in a quarterback is his ability to avoid doing something stupid when the game is on the line. It doesn’t even matter so much whether he actually manages … Continue reading

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