Monthly Archives: October 2015

Moses Was Not An Integrationist

From CNN: Farrakhan blasted the white establishment again on Saturday. “Moses was not an integrationist and neither are we,” he said. “Let me be clear. America has no future for you or for me. She can’t make a future for … Continue reading

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Do Jews Have Superior Souls?

It does not bother me that parts of Judaism and Jewish life consider Jewish souls superior. Every group at heart thinks it’s group is superior, the very center of the world. I don’t think Jews are different in this respect … Continue reading

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Jill Soloway and the “Transgender” Agenda

From the perspective of Jewish law, it is a big sin for a man to dress like a woman. This whole transgender movement is repellent for the traditional Jew. Orthodox Jews can’t stand this stuff. It turns the stomach. Orthodox … Continue reading

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Funniest Moments Of Illegal Immigrants

Published on Sep 30, 2015 – Beginner picture: Macedonia – Disastrous migrant: Hungary-Serbia border (Serbian side) – Grateful migrants: Hungary (Budapest) – Border Control: Austria (Slovenian border) – Migrant actor: Hungary-Serbia border (Serbian side) – Intelligent migrants: Hungary-Serbia border (Hungarian … Continue reading

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Self-Improvement Talk From 1890

From the Chateau: QFT from the self-improvement guide “Might is Right”, authored in 1890 by an Original Realtalker: There is nothing particularly inviting about barren, dyspeptic, blue-stocking ‘New Women,’ in pants and spectacles; talking idiotic snuffle through their noses; with … Continue reading

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