Monthly Archives: October 2015

Inside the world of the ‘pick-up artists’

Andy Tillett concludes his article for the Daily Mail: “The PUA technique had worked – and nobody could accuse me of misogyny.” And that’s the important thing, right? Nobody accusing you of misanthropy.

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Hans Schulz: Why I say no to all-male panels

“Hans Schulz is vice president for the private sector and non-sovereign guaranteed operations of the Inter-American Development Bank.” He writes for the Washington Post: As someone who works in international development, I often participate in discussions about gender equality. We … Continue reading

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Jews Are The Elites

Who was the last nominee for President who was not pro-Jewish? I can’t think of any. Jews dominate media, finance and academia. We set the agenda in America. Could Donald Trump challenge this? From the New York Times: A reader … Continue reading

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Forward: Republican Chaos Has Washington Jews Wondering Who’s in Charge

Ron Kampeas writes: “The community has a history of building relationships, and we’ll reach out and build relationships where they do not exist, not just in D.C. but in field offices,” said Richard Foltin, the American Jewish Committee’s national and … Continue reading

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Fathers Rape with Impunity, Fuelling Guatemala’s Teen Pregnancies: Rights Group

So let’s allow more Guatemalans into America? What could go wrong? Anastasia Moloney, Reuters, October 2, 2015 In Guatemala, most pregnancies among girls under 14 are the result of rape at the hands of fathers or other relatives, but often … Continue reading

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