Monthly Archives: October 2015

A Tale Of Two Faiths — Global Warming & Racial Differences

Robert Weisberg writes: Now, compare what ordinary people can observe regarding global warming with the in-your-face facts regarding hard-wired genetically determined group differences. Even the most PC environment-is-everything egalitarian cannot avoid this reality. For example, outside of genetic predispositions how … Continue reading

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“In Ways Unacademical”: The Reception of Carleton S. Coon’s The Origin of Races

Abstract. This paper examines the controversy surrounding anthropologist Carleton S. Coon’s 1962 book, The Origin of Races. Coon maintained that the human sspecies was divided into five races before it had evolved into Homo sapiens and that the races evolved … Continue reading

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The Myth of Criminal-Justice Racism

Earlier this week, Heather Mac Donald testified on criminal justice and the deincarceration movement before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Her opening statement follows. Chairman Grassley, Ranking Member Leahy, and members of the Committee, my name is Heather Mac Donald. I … Continue reading

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One Of The Most Powerful Female Attraction Triggers

From the Chateau: ♂SCIENCE♂ clearly confirms the field observation that women are instantly and romantically curious about a man who is in the company of other women, especially if those women aren’t fat bluehair feminists. [Female preselection] solves a more … Continue reading

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New Yorker: Five Centuries of White Racism Against Asian Americans

Comments to Steve Sailer: * According to Pew Research, as of 2010 every single Asian-American subgroup (Koreans, Filipinos, Vietnamese, etc.) has a higher median household income than whites. * It does seem to me that historically, Asians have faced far … Continue reading

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