Daily Archives: September 25, 2015

Vatican Has Stricted Immigration Policy In The World

Comments at the Chateau: * Go there and see for yourself. I have, it’s an amazing place. The Catholic church carried western culture for centuries. Without it, some of the greatest works of art in existence would not have been … Continue reading

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White Flight In Sweden

REPORT: So-called “white flight” is a common phenomenon in Sweden, according to a new doctoral thesis from Linnaeus University. When a residential area reaches a certain degree of ethnic diversity, Swedes tend to flee. In the dissertation the economist Emma … Continue reading

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Jewish France At The Time Of The Dreyfuss Trial

Albert S. Lindemann writes in his book Anti-Semitism before the Holocaust: One observer commented that in the French lycees (the elite high schools): “the Jewish boys topped the list. They understood all the problems, handed in the best compositions, and … Continue reading

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Rabbi Responds To NYU Professor Who Calls Trump The Next Hitler

I love Rabbi Ari Hier. I just can’t help it. He’s such a mentch. From DailyCaller.com: Rabbi Ari Hier — the Campus Outreach Coordinator at a Holocaust research human rights organization — had the perfect response to the New York … Continue reading

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Conference cracks down on web hate

REUTERS 2000: BERLIN — German President Johannes Rau called on Monday for a system of rules to govern the Internet to combat the rise in Web sites promoting racism and xenophobia. “We need a framework that sets boundaries for the … Continue reading

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