Daily Archives: September 18, 2015

Why Do So Many White Guys Fear Approaching Women?

From Chateau Heartiste: There are theories why men find it so difficult to cold approach women and chat them up with the goal of bedroom hijinks, some of which might have predictive power. Finding the source of men’s approach anxiety … Continue reading

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LAT: On Web, white supremacists stir up a growing and angry audience

From the Los Angeles Times, June 24, 2015: On July 14, 2013, a white supremacist named Andrew Anglin, bewildered by black Americans’ outrage over the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, began typing out thoughts on what he saw as a … Continue reading

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LAT: What happens when a millennial goes fascist? He starts up a neo-Nazi site

From the Los Angeles Times, June 24, 2015: Andrew Anglin, 30, the publisher of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, wouldn’t say where he was. He wouldn’t even say if he was in America. Anglin has gotten a lot of media … Continue reading

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The Israeli Mind: How the Israeli National Character Shapes Our World

By Alon Gratch: * [My father] started out working in an uncle’s appliance store, but business was so slow that pretty soon the uncle needed an out. He set the store on fire, collected insurance, and used that money to … Continue reading

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Asians Are Bright But Not Curious

Dr. James Thompson writes: The IQ view of the world is that the citizens of China, Japan and Korea are brighter than citizens of Europe and the other European derived countries that comprise The West. Not only do Orientals, or … Continue reading

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