Monthly Archives: September 2015

Invasion By Immigration

William Lind writes: Were Russian tank divisions now pouring into Germany, it is safe to say Germany would be fighting back. As it happens, Germany and Europe are now suffering an invasion more dangerous than that would be. Yet all … Continue reading

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Real Life Hunger Games

Sarah A. Hoyt writes: Social capital, what’s that? The built-up support networks of families and individuals that help maintain and order their lives. Family ties, community ties — with organizations like churches, schools, and voluntary associations that once were more … Continue reading

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The West Needs More Ethnocentrism, Less Pathological Altruism

Richard Rorty writes: If we Westerners could get rid of the notion of universal moral obligation created by membership in the species, and substitute the idea of building a community of trust between ourselves and others, we might be in … Continue reading

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Europe’s Migrant Crisis

From Chronicles Magazine: RS: What is your take on the migrant crisis inside Europe, and what’s happening between Serbia and Croatia? ST: “Migrant crisis” is the right term. I wouldn’t use the term “refugees” because, strictly speaking, most of these … Continue reading

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Trump, Carson have Republican Jewish establishment worried

From JTA: WASHINGTON – The Republican Jewish establishment is watching the surge of political outsiders — like Donald Trump and Ben Carson — in the presidential primaries with dismay. “It’s like we have a conference call every morning, and we … Continue reading

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