Monthly Archives: September 2015

Rabbis Hurl Slurs At Ann Coulter

Notice how the rabbis don’t bother making an argument. They just call her names. Ann Coulter is a Palm Beach resident, having bought a home in the community in 2005. From the Sun Sentinel Jewish Journal: The next day (Thursday, … Continue reading

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When A GF Talks About Her Exes

From Chateau Heartiste: This is bad news. This woman is disrespecting him, no two ways about it. Girlfriends who love you will rarely, if ever, talk about exes or, worse, text exes. Nor will they use exes as clubs to … Continue reading

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Power In Relationships

From Chateau Heartiste: When privy to the secretive, gated world of women, you learn that the idea of relationship leverage — aka “having hand” — is as well-known and accepted among women as it is among pickup artists and naturals. … Continue reading

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Why Do Beta Males Put Women On A Pedestal?

From Chateau Heartiste: Why do so many betas harbor gauzy delusions about female sexual nature? Why are monogamously inclined traditionalists, manginas and white knighters so quick to sanctify women and paint their misbehavior in rose-colored hues while simultaneously offering unconditional … Continue reading

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Above & Beyond

This Netflix documentary describes the founding of the Israeli Air Force by secular American young men looking for sex, adventure and to help their people. These men had only the weakest ties to Judaism and to the Jewish people, but … Continue reading

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