Monthly Archives: September 2015


By Lawrence Auster Preserving Western Civilization Conference Baltimore, Maryland February 8, 2009 To deal with the crisis facing our civilization, we must be both realistic and imaginative. The realism part consists in recognizing how bad our situation is. The entire … Continue reading

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JTA: Trump rally incident, Carson anti-Muslim remarks spur civility call by 2 Jewish groups

Because Jews are known for civility. That’s why we get to lecture the goyim. Do these American Jewish groups lecture Israeli politicians about the need for civility? Asking for a friend. From JTA: Two Jewish groups pleaded for greater civility … Continue reading

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Jewish values inspire immigration reform

Rabbi Ron Stern writes: “The Jewish community has benefited beyond measure from the immigration policies of this nation, which allowed Jews to immigrate to these shores for centuries. We are compelled to act because we remember our core story: We … Continue reading

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Wiesenthal Center Urges New UC Committee for Hate Related Issues on Campus to Include State Department’s Definition of Anti-Semitism

In other words, they want to make opposition to Israel on UC Campuses to be illegal. Have these guys ever heard of the idea of over-reach? The State Department already has a department devoted to the Holocaust. I was watching … Continue reading

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A New Morality from Science: Beyondism

Link: Richard Lynn, “Review: A New Morality from Science: Beyondism.” by R.B. Cattell. Pergamon Press, New York, 1972. Pages xvii and 482. Irish Journal of Psychology 2 #3 (Winter 1974).: “A new book by Professor Cattell is always an exciting … Continue reading

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