Monthly Archives: September 2015

Immigration Reform: A Jewish Imperative

Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz writes: We must remember as a nation the timeless rabbinic teaching, “Do not judge your fellow until you stand in his place” (Pirke Avot 2:4). We must not attack undocumented workers with the harmful, hateful rhetoric … Continue reading

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JJ: Channeling Purim’s Esther, Jewish women fast for immigration reform March 13, 2014: While many devout Jews across the United States and elsewhere observed the pre-Purim tradition of fasting on Thursday, March 13, more than 200 Jewish women and men are going without food today for a different cause: … Continue reading

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You Belong In Israel

“No one belongs in Israel more than you.” Why haven’t the jew-hating goyim seized upon this Zionist marketing slogan?

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Vatican Has Stricted Immigration Policy In The World

Comments at the Chateau: * Go there and see for yourself. I have, it’s an amazing place. The Catholic church carried western culture for centuries. Without it, some of the greatest works of art in existence would not have been … Continue reading

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White Flight In Sweden

REPORT: So-called “white flight” is a common phenomenon in Sweden, according to a new doctoral thesis from Linnaeus University. When a residential area reaches a certain degree of ethnic diversity, Swedes tend to flee. In the dissertation the economist Emma … Continue reading

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