Monthly Archives: September 2015

The Gifts Of The Somalis

I ran into a Jew from Minnesota. “How are the Somalis?” I asked him. “Lots of opportunities to make money,” he replied, “with building Section Eight housing, social work, etc.”

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Crime Wave Through 90035

Black and latino criminals are becoming more aggressive in 90035. Why? Benny Forer wrote Oct. 27, 2014: I am a Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles County. I specialize in prosecuting Cyber Crime, including identity theft and credit card fraud. … Continue reading

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Love and Mercy

I’m watching this 2014 movie Love and Mercy about Brian Wilson. Half of it takes place in the 1960s and the California beaches seem so white. There’s not a Mexican in sight. Today you go to the Santa Monica beach … Continue reading

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Book Review: The Israel Lobby

Daniel Levy writes from Israel: I have not commented thus far on the publication of the Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer book on the Israel lobby. The reason is simple – I agreed to review the book for Haaretz and … Continue reading

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The Israel Lobby

Israeli peace activist and journalist Uri Avnery writes: There are books that change people’s consciousness and change history. Some tell a story, like Harriet Beech Stowe’s 1851 “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, which gave a huge impetus to the campaign for the … Continue reading

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