Daily Archives: August 14, 2015

‘Dialogue is naturally limited under the condition of diversity’

LINK: Atomize any further and it gets down to kindergarten level, pretty much “Don’t say that bad word!” dictated in baby talk. All of this for the upkeep of a lonely society where you say “Have a nice day” to … Continue reading

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Female Submission To Authority

From Chateau Heartiste: The scene was a reminder how emotionally manipulable women are, compared to men. I’ve seen similar scenes unfold hundreds, perhaps thousands of times, and the same sex disparity in call-and-response emerges: Women are more apt to obey … Continue reading

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The Joys Of Diversity

NPR: Social Distrust Blooms Among Millennials, But Where Are Its Roots? One explanation for this, the study suggests, is growing racial diversity – 43 percent of millennial adults are non-white, making this the most diverse generation in America… She says, … Continue reading

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Appeasement Is No Way To Win Wars Or Women

From Chateau Heartiste: Maxim #54: A woman’s happiness is inversely proportional to efforts to accommodate her demands. Corollary to Maxim #54: The more a woman’s demands are catered, the more irrational will her future demands become. Appeasement is relationship death. … Continue reading

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Youtube Bans Colin Flaherty

From WND: The site, which recently suspended WND’s YouTube channel for featuring Mike Huckabee’s comments on transsexuals, now has suspended the channel of an investigative reporter for showing videos that featured black on white crime. Colin Flaherty, author of “White … Continue reading

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