Daily Archives: August 7, 2015

Who’s better at kvetching? Blacks or Jews or women? The black orthodox Jewess of course!

I wonder who will be the lucky man to catch this prize? Is it egregious cultural appropriation when blacks play classical music composed by whites, perform in plays written by whites, play games invented by whites? Elisheva Ester Rishon writes: … Continue reading

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The Noble Lie

Marc B. Shapiro blogs: 1. Amichai Markowitz called my attention to a talmudic text that I overlooked. Nedarim 23b states: “The Tanna has intentionally obscured the law, in order that vows should not be lightly treated.” This relates to the … Continue reading

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Artscroll Prints The Censored Talmud

Marc B. Shapiro blogs July 29, 2015: ArtScroll is still worried about creating anti-Semitism and thus continues to print a censored Talmud. While I think everyone agrees that the ArtScroll Talmud translation is a masterpiece, opinions will obviously differ as … Continue reading

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Jewish Press Interviews Marc Shapiro

LINK: Your book is filled with examples of historical revisionism and omission. Let’s go through a number of them. First: Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach’s position on lashon hara between a husband and wife. He thought if someone is having a … Continue reading

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Letters To A Secular Young Jewess Seeking A Shiduch

Jewess: I don’t understand Ivanka Trump’s Orthodox Judaism. Luke: It was a hurdle to marry. There are many paths to the one true God. Most people don’t care about truth like we do. J: Oh I know. What if I … Continue reading

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