Monthly Archives: August 2015

Obama’s Sons Or Trump’s Daughters?

What do you want for America?

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Racism Is Turning Down A Black Guy For Sex

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I bet that dead Black Homo Bryce Williams definition of “racism” was White guys turning down his sexual advances. Here is an article about so-called “racism” in the LGBT community. What passes for “racism” in … Continue reading

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How To Deal With The Grievance Industry

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The best thing about Trump’s rise is that he serves as a model for how to deal with the Perpetual Grievance Society: every time they act as if Trump has said something so outrageous he … Continue reading

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White Lives Matter

From 2009: REPORT: LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (CBS/AP) Curtis Lavelle Vance, the man accused of killing beautiful Arkansas television anchorwoman Anne Pressly, told police he beat her with a wood-handled garden tool after she awoke and found him committing a sex … Continue reading

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New Yorker On Donald Trump

Jared Taylor writes: The New Yorker has just published a 7,500-word article about Donald Trump, except it’s not really about Donald Trump. Two thirds of it is about Mr. Trump’s supporters–including me–and that’s what explains the title: “The Fearful and … Continue reading

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