Monthly Archives: August 2015

Is This Satire?

Jewish activists might be building a bridge too far here. From The Guardian: “Jewish activists in Scotland have started a campaign to support the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors across the world, saying the trauma of the extermination camps continues to … Continue reading

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Jewish Hedge Funders Push Gay Marriage

From CNBC: The U.S. Supreme Court decision Friday in favor of same-sex marriage was welcomed by a perhaps surprising group: conservative hedge fund managers. Dan Loeb of Third Point, Paul Singer of Elliott Management, Steve Cohen of Point72 Asset Management … Continue reading

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Jews Find East Asians More Of A Challenge Than The Goyim

Abraham Foxman writes: When the Anti-Defamation League conducted its unprecedented public opinion poll in the spring of 2014, in which we surveyed 100 countries and 53,100 individuals on their attitudes toward Jews, the most surprising finding was the one that … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Black Failure = Black Power

Steve Sailer writes: If African Americans were to get their acts together and make some progress, would this please the zeitgeist? Or would it just irritate it? Dennis Dale points out that elite black political action: … has become largely … Continue reading

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Fred Reed: Ann Coulter and the Manufacture of Pedophilia

Comments to Fred Reed: * According to UNICEF Ann Coulter is right and you are wrong: To give just a few examples of the heterosexual age of consent: If you are living in some parts of the United States, or … Continue reading

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