Monthly Archives: August 2015

Jewish Press Interviews Marc Shapiro

LINK: Your book is filled with examples of historical revisionism and omission. Let’s go through a number of them. First: Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach’s position on lashon hara between a husband and wife. He thought if someone is having a … Continue reading

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Letters To A Secular Young Jewess Seeking A Shiduch

Jewess: I don’t understand Ivanka Trump’s Orthodox Judaism. Luke: It was a hurdle to marry. There are many paths to the one true God. Most people don’t care about truth like we do. J: Oh I know. What if I … Continue reading

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Censors For The Sake Of Heaven

Paul Shaviv reviews Marc Shapiro’s new book: “I just spent the recent holiday weekend reading this important and fascinating (if somewhat depressing) book from cover to cover. Marc Shapiro has given us another excellent work. With meticulous documentation he shows … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews Know Who They Are

The more traditional the Jew, the less he has angst about his identity — he’s a Yid first, second and third. The more modern the Jew, the more assimilated and confused. That’s why the Orthodox increasingly dominate Jewish life. No … Continue reading

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A Fraudulent Jewish Charity

Forward: Donors to a charity on Manhattan’s Lower East Side are claiming that they have been misled by a Jewish calendar mailed annually to thousands of homes. The calendar, illustrated with images of old bearded rabbis and filled with pleas … Continue reading

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