Monthly Archives: August 2015

Are American Blacks Owed Reparations?

Steve Sailer writes: So it’s difficult to imagine much negative impact on American per capita wealth in 2015 in an alternate universe without the slave trade. You can tell that nobody takes very seriously the argument that African-Americans have been … Continue reading

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But Japan Has The Japanese

LINK: Places like Brazil and the Congo have enormous economic potential just based on geography, climate, and natural resources. A place like Japan is mountainous (only 3% of the land area is arable), few natural resources, not located near major … Continue reading

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IQ Isn’t The Whole Story

Chateau Heartiste: There are, for instance, group differences in personality, temperament, proclivity to violence, trustworthiness, and what I’ll call General Interactive Behavioral Socialization (GIBS…medat). That last mouthful is just a fancy way of describing how people socialize and behave when … Continue reading

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Collapse Prevention

From Chateau Heartiste: 1. Close the borders to Western nations indefinitely. (Reason is self-evident.) 2. Create voluntary incentives to reduce dysgenic fertility. (Dollars for Depo.) 3. Discourage IQ- and education-based assortative mating. (Successful men pairing off with pretty, but less … Continue reading

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Basic Male/Female Differences

LINK: It seems a new book comes out every week now detailing the results from scientific studies proving that ingrained biological sex differences are real, and the “social constructivism” beliefs of feminism are wrong in every way. Here is the … Continue reading

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