Monthly Archives: August 2015

The Civil Rights Revolution

Paul Johnson writes in his book Modern Times: But voting could not equalize black and white incomes. Nor could the huge and increasing sums of Federal money which John- son poured into the black ‘problem’. The more progress made, the … Continue reading

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Goodbye America

From here:

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Donald Trump Has Game

From Chateau Heartiste: Scott Adams wrote a couple of short essays on The Trumpening that are basically recitations of core game concepts (some of which are retrofitted from ideas first introduced by Robert Cialdini in his book Influence: The Psychology … Continue reading

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Why people become Leftist, Myers Briggs Personality Types & Sexual Morality

LINK: Topics include: Her Video Do Leftists Have Legitimate Grievances? in response to Richard Spencer’s interview Surviving The Global Monoculture How people often become leftist in response to a materialistic, bland, monolithic consumer culture and are searching for something with … Continue reading

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Marauding Muslim Packs Get Norwegian Concubines

REPORT: Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has translated an article from about the ghastly predicament in which young Norwegians find themselves within heavily culturally enriched districts of Oslo. Well-off natives can afford to move to safe, pleasant white enclaves, … Continue reading

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