Monthly Archives: August 2015

The Bizarre Charge That Obama Is An Anti-Semite

J.J. Goldberg writes: The campaign against President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal tends toward the apocalyptic even when it’s in repose. Right now it’s virtually jumping the rails, plunging into a swamp of anti-Obama conspiracy theory, with a gaggle of conservative … Continue reading

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Muslims In America

I almost ran a Muslim down the other day because she stepped into the street and I had to slam on my brakes. My hair stylist told me that one came in to the salon last week–from Saudi Arabia. And … Continue reading

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I Need To Get Married

What I’m finding on Tinder:

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NYT: Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace

Mike writes: Yikes! A sociopath’s dream workplace. What hope is there for the women “Amabots”? They spend their fertile years in a bruising 80 hour work week job, no personal time away from work demands. Can’t get sick. Can’t have … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Calls For An End To Birthright Citizenship

From ABC NEWS: Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has released his specific plan for immigration reform. In the 6-page report titled “Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again,” Trump is calling for an end to birthright citizenship, saying it … Continue reading

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