Monthly Archives: August 2015

The Nature Of Race

J. Fuerst writes: It is frequently asserted: firstly, that the word “race” is meaningless; secondly, that races are not, biologically speaking, real; thirdly, that while there do exist biological races in other animal species, there are none in ours; and … Continue reading

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‘Are Republicans For Freedom Or White Identity Politics?’

Ben Domenech writes: Donald Trump could transform the Republican Party into a coalition focused on white identity politics. We’ve seen this in Europe, and it’s bad. Now that we have had time to observe the Donald Trump phenomenon, there is … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Doesn’t Suffer Fools Gladly

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Trump has an incredibly strong frame, and total self-confidence. No fake laughs, no going along with some clownish foolishness in order to be polite. You can’t help but love the guy; and even if you … Continue reading

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William S. Lind: Obama Is Right About Iran

William S. Lind writes: Real conservatives hate war. War is the most expensive activity the state can engage in. Its outcome is always uncertain. Only revolution is a more powerful agent of social and cultural change, change conservatives exist to … Continue reading

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VDARE: How Long Before Trump Meetings Are Compared To Nuremberg Rallies?

From VDARE: A startling thing has happened to Donald Trump’s rally in Mobile Alabama, scheduled for Friday evening. City officials have confirmed to News 5 the location for Donald Trump’s pep rally in Mobile on Friday night has been moved … Continue reading

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