Monthly Archives: August 2015

Planned Inhumanities: From Roe to Obergefell

Robert Oscar Lopez writes: The flip side of the disposable child, of course, is the child as a desired commodity. Since people can be thrown out when they are not convenient, they can also be manufactured and maintained through industrialized … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Believes In The Power Of Genes

I was watching Donald Trump’s rally in Mobile, Alabama Friday evening. He said something to the effect: “Do you believe in genes? I believe in the gene thing.” I assume Donald Trump is a race realist. From 2011: London, England … Continue reading

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We Need An Operation Wetback II

Jeffrey Lord writes: The issue? Illegal immigration. The answer? The Republican candidate had an answer. If he were elected president, the illegals swarming into the United States from Mexico would have to go. No, the Republican candidate was not Donald … Continue reading

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An Honest Dialogue About Race

I don’t expect non-Jews to care about Jews. I don’t expect non-whites to care about whites. I don’t expect whites to care about non-whites. A healthy person cares primarily about his own people. From the AntiDem blogger: In light of … Continue reading

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The Ugly Truth About Obesity

Geoffrey Miller writes: On the other hand, what if all these negative stereotypes are accurate? After all, many stereotypes have some truth to them – Jews do make more money than others; Black people are more often involved in crime; … Continue reading

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