Monthly Archives: July 2015

How Do Jews Feel About Non-Jews?

How about in the spirit of mutual understanding and respectful dialogue, we start surveying Jews for their attitudes towards non-Jews? Are there such surveys? Why don’t the goyim have their own anti-defamation league? I appreciate the ADL’s survey of attitudes … Continue reading

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Anti-Semitism Before the Holocaust

I confess that in my first 20 years as a Jew, I vastly preferred books that blamed anti-Semitism 100% on the goyim. As I have aged, however, I have come to see anti-Semitism as the natural result of conflicts of … Continue reading

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Yahoo Finance Exclusive: Earl Holt started giving money to GOP pols after marrying the widow of a Jewish businessman

Yahoo: “As president of a white nationalist group linked with the murders of nine churchgoers in Charleston, S.C. on June 17, Earl P. Holt III is straddling the uneasy boundary between free speech and racial hatred.” How can there be … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Real Story Behind the Pine Bush Anti-Semitism Lawsuit

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Jews are the most intellectually aggressive people in this earth, the big two religions (Christianity and Islam) are influenced by Judaism but with less tribalism and more universalism. Jews can also do universalism, Marxism has … Continue reading

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Jews, Christians & Loyalty

I love stories of betrayal (even though from a rational perspective, there is no such thing, we use the word for when people important to us have different priorities from what we expected, e.g., if your wife commits adultery, she’s … Continue reading

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